Monday, November 16, 2015

Catholic Scouting Retreat

Congratulations to the boys attending the Cub Scout retreat. Four boys earned their Light of Christ and 13 boys earned their Parvuli Dei. Good job!

Code Adam averted, Child recovered

Wanted to pass on a bit of good news from Troop 509, Hurlburt Fld.
** Code Adam averted, child recovered** 
We were out at the Bass Pro shop area at the Destin Commons tonight (13 Nov) for a fundraiser and around 7pm one of my Life Scouts, Kendrick Rattray, noticed a small child about 3-4 years old ran out of the Bass Pro building without any supervision. Kendrick, Troop 509 Life Scout, noticed and quickly notified me.  I assessed the situation and told him to go after the small child who was about to walk into the path of vehicles.  Running as fast as he could, Kendrick was able to stop the child as a car was about to drive by.  I ran inside the Bass Pro building to report the run-away child to one of the managers and just about the same time, I overheard the parents reporting they had no idea where their child was. The call for a code Adam was about to go over the radio when I yelled over and stopped the code.  I informed them that my Scout outside had caught the little boy and was bringing him inside.  The parents and Bass Pro staff was happy and a potential crisis was averted. I’m really proud of my Scout way to go Kendrick!

Bill Strickland
Woodbadge Class: S1-773-15 Owl Patrol
ScoutMaster, Troop 509
Eagle Scout, Aloha Council ‘84
Vigil Honor, OA Yustaga 385

Thursday, October 22, 2015

The Ethan Giving Tree

October 19, 2015
Hello Leader,

The Gulf Coast National Scout Shop is providing an opportunity for the scouting community to help local scout members who may be in need of uniforms and uniform items.

This help will be done through The Ethan Giving Tree program starting November 14 through December 19, 2015. The Ethan Giving Tree program works on a donation basis. An Ethan tree (similar to an Angel tree) will be set up at the Scout Shop with Ethan cards on it. Each card will have the first name of the Scout along with the uniform items that they need. There will also be a space for other items they may want such as books, crafts, camping items, etc. Customers and Scout supporters can purchase the item(s) in their local Scout Shop and give them to the store staff to collect for each child.

We will keep the name of the individual(s) confidential. Only the store staff will have access to the Scout’s name and your contact information. A code will be issued that will match a card in the safe that will have your contact information, so as the donations are collected store staff will contact you so arrangements for pickup can be made.

We need your assistance to make this project a success. Please fill out the information below and return to the store by November 9, 2015 for every scout who would benefit from donations from the scouting community to complete their full uniform.

If you have any concerns or questions please contact the store staff by email: or phone us at 850-473-9945.

Thank you in advance for your assistance. With leaders like you, this program will greatly benefit our scouting community.

Youth’s Name ______________________________________   Code/Number: ________ (For Scout Shop Only)
Leaders Name _______________________________________          Phone # ___________________
Troop or Pack #:______________________________________   Rank: ____________________

Items that would benefit the Scout:
Shirt: Size ______                                                           Neckerchief __________
Pant: Size ______                                                           Slide ________________
Cap: Size: ______                                                          Socks: Size ____________
Belt: Size ______                                                             Insignia: ______________
Belt Buckle ______                                                        Other Items __________
Book ___________

Thank you,

Gulf Coast National Scout Shop Store Staff

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cub Scout Pack 99 was recognized by the City of Pensacola!!!

Cub Scout Pack 99 was recently recognized by the City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department as the newest Adopt-A-Park volunteer group, adopting Toledo Square Park off of 17th Avenue. The volunteer coordinator, Tim Land said, "The park is definitely in much better shape now. Some surrounding neighbors came by and said they could tell a big difference in their park and thanked the boys for their hard work. They are helping set the example to the community that you can get involved in the Adopt-A-Park Program no matter the age." The Gulf Coast Council would like to thank Pack 99 for their hard work, GREAT job Pack 99!

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Fact Vs Fiction on the New Membership Standards 8/3/2015

Setting the Record Straight on the BSA Adult Leadership Standards

Overview: Recently, several questions have been raised about the BSA’s new leadership standards and the effect the standards might have on the BSA. Regretfully, some of these comments appear to be aimed at causing division or confusion within the Scouting movement.

One source of these questions is a July 2015 commentary on “The Legal Ramifications to Churches of BSA’s New Membership Policy.” This document recycled a May 2013 memorandum on the same topic,1 including copying the old discussions of the “new youth membership policy” adopted in 2013. None of the predictions from 2013 about litigation or other problems for the BSA came true.

The BSA already has addressed many of the issues raised in the commentary, both in the resolution itself and in memorandum with factual and legal support that the commentary lacks.2 While no one can fully predict future legal actions, the following is meant to clearly explain the effect of the leadership standards and to provide facts in order to address speculations.

Here is the full Fact VS Fiction on the Adult Membership Standards.  Please click here to look at the information.


Click on the link to download the Fact Vs Fiction Sheet

I have sent a letter to all charter partners informing them of the membership standard changes.

Yours In Scouting,

Spencer Page
Scout Executive
Gulf Coast Council 

850-476-6336 Office

Monday, July 27, 2015

Boy Scouts of America Amends Adult Leadership Policy

On Monday, July 27, the National Executive Board ratified a resolution that removes the national restriction on openly gay adult leaders and employees. Of those present and voting, 79 percent voted in favor of the resolution. The resolution was recommended for ratification by the Executive Committee earlier this month. The resolution is effective immediately.
Chartered organizations will continue to select their adult leaders and religious chartered organizations may continue to use religious beliefs as criteria for selecting adult leaders, including matters of sexuality. This change allows Scouting’s members and parents to select local units, chartered to organizations with similar beliefs, that best meet the needs of their families. This change also respects the right of religious chartered organizations to choose adult volunteer leaders whose beliefs are consistent with their own.
Moving forward, we will continue to focus on reaching and serving youth, helping them grow into good, strong citizens. By focusing on the goals that unite us, we are able to accomplish incredible things for young people and the communities we serve.
Also, today the Boy Scouts of America shared this video of National President Dr. Robert M. Gates speaking on the policy change.

Yours in Scouting,
Spencer Page
Scout Executive

Membership Standard Change

Dear Gulf Coast Council, by now you know that the National BSA Executive Board approved the resolution removing sexual orientation as a membership standard allowing religious organizations to approve their leaders based on their beliefs. I will be sending out more information and details as it relates and effects local scouting in the coming days. In the meantime, please contact me if I can aide in answering questions or helping with discussions.

Yours In Scouting,

Spencer Page
Scout Executive
Gulf Coast Council 


Monday, July 13, 2015

Updated Adult Membership Standard 7/13/2015

July 13, 2015

Gulf Coast Council Members, Parents and Supporters,

The National Key 3 and others consulted with religious organizations following the National Annual Meeting in May on the subject of adult leadership standards.  Scout leaders from across the country urged national leadership to swiftly act on this matter in order to lessen possible impact on Fall recruitment.

As a result, the National Executive Committee met on Friday, July 10 to review a resolution amending the adult leadership standards policy.  This resolution was unanimously adopted by those present and voting.  Today,  National BSA President Robert Gates is sharing this resolution with the National Executive Board and asking them to ratify this resolution on Monday, July 27.

As promised, I am sharing this information with you and will continue to do so as I receive new updates.

I have attached the proposed resolution and some back ground info that explains why BSA is considering this change in Leadership standards.

I will be glad to discuss or clarify any of this information with you to the best of my ability.  Feel free to contact me either by email or phone.  I can be reached at 850-476-6336 or email

Click on the documents below

On behalf of the scouts of the Gulf Coast Council, thank you for your interest and support of Scouting.

Yours in Scouting,

Spencer Page
Scout Executive

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Kenny Pearson Cub Master of Cub Scout Pack 2 explaining the new Cub Scou...

Kenny Pearson Cub Master of Cub Scout Pack 2 explaining some of the changes for the new Cub Scout Program.

If you have further questions for Kenny, you can contact him at

Thank you Kenny

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Pensacola Bay's New District Executive Suzie West

The Gulf Coast Council, Boy Scouts of America would like to introduce our newest member of the Professional Scouting team.  Suzie West, is the new District Executive for the Pensacola Bay District covering Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties.  Suzie is originally from Tallahassee, FL, but has lived in Pensacola for the past twenty years with her husband and two children.  Suzie has worked locally with the Greater Pensacola Chamber, as well as local non-profits. She also volunteers extensively throughout the community. She is looking forward to working with the local Scouting community. We are looking forward to continued growth and impact that Scouting will have locally with the help of Suzie and the wonderful volunteers of the Pensacola Bay District.

Here is her contact information
District Executive
Suzie West
Office 850-476-6336
Cell 850-776-6327

Yours in Scouting,

Gulf Coast Council of the Boy Scouts of America

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Collaborative Assessment for the Unit Key 3 is now available.

This Video is for Unit Key 3 Leaders. The information here is about the unit visits and assessments between the Unit Commissioner and their units.

BSA National Business Meeting Update

May 22, 2015
TO: Gulf Coast Council Volunteers and Families
SUBJECT: National Business Meeting Update
Yesterday during the 2015 Boy Scouts of America National Annual Meeting, National President Dr. Robert M. Gates encouraged the Scouting family to reflect in the days and months ahead on the challenges facing the BSA and potential alternatives for addressing them.
Dr. Gates’s remarks speak for themselves and the full text can be found below.

It is important to note that no decisions were made during the National Annual Meeting.

Thank you,
Spencer Page
Scout Executive

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Gulf Coast Council Volunteer and 2014 Eagle Class Banquet


Ed Babiak 2014 Vice President of Properties Presenting the 2014 Work Horse Arwards

Spencer Page - Scout Executive presenting Ed Babiak with a special recognition.

John Sullivan - 2014 Vice President of Program


Paul Entrekin - 2014 Eagle Class Honoree

Ted Spangenberg Jr - Outstanding Eagle Scout

2014 Eagle Scout Project of the Year Recipients 

Paula Syfrett - 2014 Silver Beaver

Bill Potter - 2014 Silver Beaver

Chuck Page - 2014 Silver Beaver

Doug Watson - 2014 Silver Beaver

2014 Silver Beavers

Jim Mathis - 2015 Council President closing the banquet.

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Cub Scout Program Updates Webcast

As you know, a new Cub Scouting program is launching June 1, 2015 that will be more fun and exciting for boys, and easier to implement for unit leaders.  To ensure unitare ready to make the transition, a series of webcasts will be hosted in January.  The webcasts will outline the coming changes, how to prepare, and when resources will be available.  


Help spread the word about the webcasts to your Districts and Units.


Cubmaster Webcast -                          Saturday, January 17 at 8:00am (Central)

Saturday, January 17 at 3:00pm (Central)


Den Leader Webcasts Saturday, January 17 at 9:30am (Central)

Saturday, January 17 at 4:30pm (Central)


LDS-Specific Considerations *  Saturday, January 17 at 11:00am (Central)

Saturday, January 17 at 6:00pm (Central) 

* It is recommended that those interested in the LDS session view one of the role-specific sessions first.


Although the content will be geared to the roles listed, anyone with an interest in learning about the new Cub Scouting program is welcome to attend.  


The sessions will be recorded for later viewing.


It’s easy to attend!  Just navigate your Internet browser to: and you are ready to view the webcast!  

Friday, January 16, 2015

Back to Gilwell!!! Wood Badge Weekend

This weekend is the first weekend of the 2015 Wood Badge Weekend.  The Scouters are going back to Gilwell!!!

2016 School Night for Scouting Sign Up (Soccer Style Sign Ups)